“Conversations” by The Gideons International is a free presentation for local congregations by a member of The Gideons. The presenter will come in and train the pastor and/or laity in how to have a relational conversation with people in your sphere/circles of influence–how to build and share your own personal testimony and how to share the Gospel to your friends, relatives, neighbors, co-workers, etc. This is a very new release and every member of The Gideons is aware of this resource and the need to be trained first.
To find out who you can contact in your area, click here
or you can reach out to AFLC Evangelism and Discipleship board member, Kevin Hoops [email protected]
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Leadership Essentials
This is a great resource for equipping both new and experienced leaders in the Christian Church. The book contains 12 valuable studies on Leadership that are ideal for use in small groups, one on...
Spiritual Leadership
I first encountered Spiritual Leadership by J. Oswald Sanders in Seminary. Pastor Moan introduced us to 20% of the chapters to give us a taste of a resource he hoped would become a ministry-long companion. It worked. I love...
Parent Workshops During Evening VBS
Parent workshops during evening VBS was very well received — we had about 15 parents attend and had great interaction. It was also an excellent way to get to know each of them better. When you...
Grief Support Ministry
This is an ongoing ministry once per month. When we started, we committed to six sessions total, twice per month in Feb, March, and April, then we reassesed needs moving forward. Now, we continue to meet a great need on a monthly basis...
Discipleship Manual
A New Believer's Introduction to the Christian Life. Study guides cover the following topics: Assurance of Salvation, Life as a Disciple of Jesus Christ, How to Read and Study the Bible, How to...
Small Circle
Deeper levels of relationships can be found beyond the group experience. Smallcircle captures the life-changing power of one-to-one relationships.
The Bonhoeffer Project
Making disciples requires intentionality. William Law in his book, A Serious Call to a Holy and Devout Life, made this point: the reason people don't change behavior is that they never really intend to...
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