“Conversations” by The Gideons International is a free presentation for local congregations by a member of The Gideons. The presenter will come in and train the pastor and/or laity in how to have a relational conversation with people in your sphere/circles of influence–how to build and share your own personal testimony and how to share the Gospel to your friends, relatives, neighbors, co-workers, etc. This is a very new release and every member of The Gideons is aware of this resource and the need to be trained first.
To find out who you can contact in your area, click here
or you can reach out to AFLC Evangelism and Discipleship board member, Kevin Hoops [email protected]
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BlessEveryHome is a tool for believers to have a more focused approach to biblical "neighboring" to those whom God has brought us to in our neighborhoods. Some aspects of it will be...
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