
Evangelism Explosion

“Evangelism Explosion” by D. James Kennedy was taught to me at the Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, AL in February of 1990. It was a week long class setting with on-the-job training–putting into practice what we learned in the class in the afternoons and evenings. The classes trained laymen and pastors biblically on evangelism, outlining the Gospel presentation, forming your own testimony and how to share it, handling objections to our presentation, “Do’s and Don’ts” to evangelism, witnessing as a way of life, and the importance of follow-up. The thing I remember most about the training was learning the Gospel and putting it to memory so bible verses could be recalled at any time when the opportunity would arise. Also, I learned the importance of developing my own personal testimony. And finally, the actual going out into the real world to share the gospel with individuals I did not know and would never meet again. The more I would go out and share my faith, the more confident and bold I would become.


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Rekindle the Fire 2024

Watch the videos from Rekindle the Fire 2024!

Rekindle the Fire 2023

Watch the videos from Rekindle the Fire 2023!

Rekindle The Fire 2022

Hear the audio recordings of the Rekindle the Fire conference 2022

The Lutheran Ambassador

The Lutheran Ambassador is a free magazine, published monthly by the AFLC. It exists to educate its readers about the AFLC, to encourage the local congregation, to equip Christians...

The Gospel Comes With a House Key

Rosaria Butterfield candidly shares her story of how a Christian man and his wife reached out to her, a liberal lesbian, and built a friendship simply by inviting her to dinner and...

Small Catechism Devotionals

Revisit the foundations of the Christian faith from a biblical, Lutheran expression. Recorded by Pastor Jon Langness, these devotional videos on Luther's Small Catechism expound on Luther's explanations by...

Share Your Faith Workshop

I was invited to participate in this one day seminar at Atonement Free Lutheran Church in Arlington, WA and was wonderfully impressed by the simplicity, clarity, and effectiveness of this training program and the "Hand" tool that...

The Post-Quarantine Church

The COVID crisis has had many significant effects on our culture and world over the last two years, and that includes our churches. Many were forced to shut down, others chose...


This book addresses the "faultlines" that are being created within families, communities, churches, and the world, in the wake of the revived Social Justice Movement. Pastor Baucham provides extensive research and examples of how Critical Race...

We Will Not Be Silenced

This is an excellent resource that tackles current day issues (Racism, Sexuality/Gender, Government Overreach, etc.) and how the church should respond, based on the truths of God's Word. This book is a call to the church to...
