
Evangelism Explosion

“Evangelism Explosion” by D. James Kennedy was taught to me at the Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, AL in February of 1990. It was a week long class setting with on-the-job training–putting into practice what we learned in the class in the afternoons and evenings. The classes trained laymen and pastors biblically on evangelism, outlining the Gospel presentation, forming your own testimony and how to share it, handling objections to our presentation, “Do’s and Don’ts” to evangelism, witnessing as a way of life, and the importance of follow-up. The thing I remember most about the training was learning the Gospel and putting it to memory so bible verses could be recalled at any time when the opportunity would arise. Also, I learned the importance of developing my own personal testimony. And finally, the actual going out into the real world to share the gospel with individuals I did not know and would never meet again. The more I would go out and share my faith, the more confident and bold I would become.


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Relational Discipleship Network

Make disciples as Jesus did through authentic relationships. Discipleshift1 is a two day (16 hour) hands-on training where pastors and leaders learn to make disciples of Jesus in real authentic...


Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, author of Adorned, relies on Titus 2:1-5 as the foundation for older and younger women to follow as they live out God’s design for supporting, encouraging and learning from each other. In this...

Leadership Essentials

This is a great resource for equipping both new and experienced leaders in the Christian Church. The book contains 12 valuable studies on Leadership that are ideal for use in small groups, one on...

Spiritual Leadership

I first encountered Spiritual Leadership by J. Oswald Sanders in Seminary. Pastor Moan introduced us to 20% of the chapters to give us a taste of a resource he hoped would become a ministry-long companion. It worked. I love...

Family Vocation: God's Calling in Marriage, Parenting & Childhood

This is an excellent resource that will help you see these family relationships in a new light. In addition to calling us to obedience to God's commands in each of these stations of...

Parent Workshops During Evening VBS

Parent workshops during evening VBS was very well received — we had about 15 parents attend and had great interaction. It was also an excellent way to get to know each of them better. When you...

Grief Support Ministry

This is an ongoing ministry once per month. When we started, we committed to six sessions total, twice per month in Feb, March, and April, then we reassesed needs moving forward. Now, we continue to meet a great need on a monthly basis...


We are currently going through "Unstuck" in our church — reading the book together, going through the free workbook that Tim has posted for this book on his website, and then having...

Discipleship Manual

A New Believer's Introduction to the Christian Life. Study guides cover the following topics: Assurance of Salvation, Life as a Disciple of Jesus Christ, How to Read and Study the Bible, How to...
Image is a community/network of Disciple makers with blogs, articles, video, etc.
