
The Mirror

If you are looking for a high quality tract to share your faith, “The Mirror” is an excellent means to do that. It is a full color, high gloss tract that you won’t be embarrassed to hand out to others and its content is excellent, as well. It is written in such a way that anyone can open it up and easily walk through a gospel presentation that uses the analogy of a mirror to look honestly at ourselves and see that we are sinners in need of a Savior. It then points plainly to Scripture and God’s gift of a Savior, Jesus Christ. There is then a step-by-step process explained about repentance, faith, and trusting in Jesus alone for the forgiveness of our sins. It finishes with an encouragement to talk with a pastor, spend time in God’s Word, and look to connect with a Bible believing and proclaiming church.

I recently used these at a Bible Camp for counseling and found them to be an excellent tool for that and something that they could take with them to remind them of what they understood as well as a Scripture treasury to dig into as they go forward.

These are available through Ambassador Publications.


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