One of the most powerful ways you can share your faith is by telling your story of, “What God has done in your life.” The Bible tells us it’s a good idea. In 1 Peter 3:15 we are told, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” No one can tell you, “that’s not right.” It’s your story, you know that it’s true, and no one knows it better than you!
In this PowerPoint prepared by Pastor Jim Rasmussen, you will find a clear presentation of “Why” and “How” to share with others your personal testimony in a way that will be informative, comfortable, and natural. It’s a tool that you will be able to use easily when God opens the door to share it with others. Please feel free to use it for yourself or to share in a class. We only ask that you mention that it came from AFLC Evangelism and Discipleship.
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