Others who had a part in WMF Day 2017

Fra line (Gretchen) von Krueger Fraline (Gretchen) von Krueger from Saxony is a fictitious character inserted into historical events. Information gleaned from a lecture series by Philip Carey, podcasts by Rebecca Degarmeaux and Dr. Martin Treu, the Luther movies, and visiting the Thrivent Luther exhibit in Minneapolis were all helpful as well as having an overactive imagination, historical curiosity, and possible overconfidence in my acting ability. Her purpose for being here is to give us a glimpse as to what it might have been like to live through the time when nine nuns escaped from a convent with the help of Martin Luther, one of whom became Luther’s wife, Katharina von Bora.

The flowered cross after the Memorial Service.

Beverly Enderlein Memorial Service Leader

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