
Passing of the Baton

By Karen Pederson

I received a baton on National WMF day from Lavonne West, our president, as she completed her role as president and passed the baton to me as your new president.  Former presidents were recognized for their faithful part in WMF with batons.  Passing the baton reminded me of Elisha picking up the cloak of Elijah, which symbolized the succession of Elijah’s ministry to Elish.  Taking that baton on WMF Day and standing with our former presidents who have passed the leadership from women who began our WMF was so touching.  Since 1962 regular women have led our organization, as presidents and officers to provide Bible study materials to local women’s groups and to challenge women to give to our projects that fund our ALFC missionaries, our schools, and our Parish Ed with materials.

I also noticed in 2 Kings 2 that a company of 50 able men offered to help Elisha.  I know there are way more than 50 able women, willing to help with the ministry of the WMF, especially at National WMF Day when we see women from all over our AFLC coming together for fellowship, learning from God’s Word and getting updates on our ministries.  Part of our 50 able women include our national board, a wonderful variety of talents, Executive Secretary Dawn Johnson, 1st Vice President Anne Presteng, 2nd Vice President Liz McCarlson, Recording Secretary Karen Floan, Communication Secretary Linda Fugleberg and Treasurer Margie Lee. I’m also reminded of the many district WMF’s and then all the local women who meet for Bible study, pray for us and the work of WMF then give to our missionaries and projects.  The baton or cloak gets passed on to new workers as God’s Kingdom grows with new moms and new faces joining our fellowship and ministry.

So…start your fall meetings with fresh vigor knowing the cloak or baton has been faithfully passed on because of the promise that “not one of Lord’s good promises fail.” Joshua 21:45