Love is…

Yesterday we looked at the list of what love is not. Now today we will look at the list of what love is.


 List eight things that love is:


I Corinthians 13:4 “Love is patient, love is kind…”

Isaiah 53:7

Luke 6:35; Ephesians 4:32

  I Corinthians 13:6 “rejoices with the truth;”

II John 1:4

  I Corinthians 13:7 “bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”

I Peter 4:8 (NIV)

Galatians 6:2

Romans 15:1

Luke 17:4; II Timothy 2:10

Ephesians 3:17-19

I Corinthians 13:8a  “Love never fails…”



  1. Love is patient – love suffers long (NKJV)-doesn’t become irritated or angry or have a quick temper.
  2. Love is kind-it realizes and recognizes the needs of others and tries to help them.
  3. Love rejoices with the truth- love accepts the truth, keeps it pure, exalts in all its triumphs.
  4. Love bears all things – always protects (NIV)-it endures wrongs and evils without speaking of what it has to bear.
  5. Love believes all things – always trusts (NIV) – it takes the best and kindest view of all men and all circumstances, as long as it is possible to do so. It believes in a person and does not doubt his integrity.
  6. Love hopes all things – always hopes (NIV) – Christians seem to have lost sight altogether of the truth that hope is something more than the result of a cheerful temperament, that it is a gift and a grace. It takes sunny and cheerful views of man, of the world and of God because it is a sister of love.  Hope when others without love have ceased to hope.  Hope for good rather than for bad for men.
  7. Love endures all things – always perseveres (NIV) – How much should we endure? No limit.
  8. Love never fails – Love never is to be out of use, always holds its place.
Portions from 1983 FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT WMF BIBLE STUDY written by Carol Dietsche
verses quoted from the NASB unless otherwise identified.


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