Goodness Answers week 1


1.a.  Psalm 119:68  God is good.
b.  Mark 10:18  No one is good except God alone.

  1. a. verse 10 God saw that it was good.
    b. verse 12  God saw that it was good.
    c. verse 18  God saw that it was good.
    d. verse 21 God saw that it was good.
    e. verse 25 God saw that it was good.
    f. verse 31  God saw that it was very good.
    g. What is the difference between verse 31 and the other verses?  God saw everything that He had made answering the plan which His eternal wisdom had conceived, and behold it was very good.



Genesis 3:22 (ESV). Then the Lord God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of us in knowing good and evil. Now, lest he reach out his hand and take also of the tree of life and eat, and live forever—”  Because of their sin they should not take from the tree of life so He sent them from the garden.



Goodness Provides

Genesis 3:15 – A Savior

Genesis 3:21 – And the Lord God made for Adam and for his wife garments of skins and clothed them. (ESV)  Many people think that a loving God would never become angry.  Others reject the Biblical doctrine of propitiation because they liken it to the gross perversions of pagan religions.   How different from the God of the Bible, who is both good and righteous! His reaction to evil reflects His just and holy character.  His wrath is never capricious.  But there is another marked difference.  The apostle John tells us that God, not man, took the initiative to stop His own wrath (1 John 4:10).  He sent His Son to pay the penalty for our sin and to take the full fury of the Father’s anger.  At Calvary, both redeeming love and divine justice were completely satisfied.  God remained just and yet could justify the sinner.



Goodness provided

  1. How is God’s goodness described in the following verses?
  2. Exodus 34:6 abundant
  3. Psalm 52:1 endures
  4. Psalm 145:9 over all (universal)
  5. Jeremiah 31:14 satisfying
  6. Zechariah 9:17 great
  7. Romans 2:4a rich
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