Welcome to FLY Beyond Digital Camp!

Below you will find access to the  training sessions held during FLY Beyond physical camp.
Here is a menu of your video selections:
  1. Morning Bible Studies - A specific chapter in four Biblical books with varied leaders (4 Sessions)
  2. Tim Barnett from Stand To Reason – Apologetics (3 Sessions)
  3. Evening Sessions – Pastor Ryan Tonneson on "Upward"  (5 Sessions includes Closing/Commissioning)
  4. Spiritual Gifts - FLY Beyond Team on inventory and applications (3 Sessions)

You are invited to consider the following resources as you structure your FLY Beyond Digital Camp in the local congregation.


The video content on this password-protected page will be available from July 20 to September 6. After September 7, the videos will be moved into the AFLC Youth app for public access. Thank you for participating in FLY Beyond Digital Camp!