Deadline to sign up for Youth Leader Small Groups is August 30.

Youth Leader Small Groups' aim is to provide those who work with teens a monthly setting for mutual encouragement, support, and to assist one another with various ministry questions that come up through a life of service. While these monthly meetings do not emphasize any sort of formal training, they provide time for each group to engage in meaningful and encouraging conversation that spur participants onward both in their personal lives and ministry endeavors.    (If you are looking for formal training for youth workers, check out our Apprenticeship Program.)   

If you know of someone else or a group of people you'd like to be with in a Small Group, there is a spot on the Sign-up form to make those requests. Otherwise, we'll assign you to a group. It can be a great way to get to know others.

Download the booklet from Spring 2024 to get an idea of what sessions look like.

If you are interested in participating in Youth Leader Small Groups, fill out the form below.